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Why you should throw trash properly wherever you are

When you throw away trash along the sidewalk or the road, you probably aren't thinking that these would end up in the beautiful islands you love visiting. But the truth is, 80% of the plastic trash in our oceans is actually from land-based places1. So that's why you can sometimes find trash even in those secret beach spots where no people go!

1Chow, Lorraine. "80% of Ocean Plastic Comes From Land-Based Sources, New Report Finds" EcoWatch. EcoWatch. 15 June 2016. Web. 24 May 2018.
2"What Happens To The Plastic We Throw Out" National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC. 16 May 2018. Web. 24 May 2018.
3Parker, Laura. "We Made Plastic. We Depend On It. Now We're Drowning In It." National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC. 21 May 2018. Web. 24 May 2018.

For example in Manila, non-recyclable single-serve sachets of shampoo, toothpaste, coffee and other products eventually find their way to the sea2. Throwing trash in polluted waterways like the Pasig River is also taken for granted by many people. But as one of the top 10 most polluted rivers in the world, about 72,000 tons of trash flow from it to the sea every year3.

That's why it's important to dispose of trash properly when you're traveling regardless of whether you're in a beach, mountain or even city destination. It may take a little extra effort to find a garbage can or to keep your trash with you when you're on a trip. But the extra effort can make an extra big difference!

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1Chow, Lorraine. "80% of Ocean Plastic Comes From Land-Based Sources, New Report Finds" EcoWatch. EcoWatch. 15 June 2016. Web. 24 May 2018.
2"What Happens To The Plastic We Throw Out" National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC. 16 May 2018. Web. 24 May 2018.
3Parker, Laura. "We Made Plastic. We Depend On It. Now We're Drowning In It." National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC. 21 May 2018. Web. 24 May 2018.

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